Monday, August 12, 2013

Still here!!!

The Shroyer's are still here.....its been a busy few weeks, but we are making it through and getting ready for things to change next week.  So very hard to believe that summer break is almost over!  I have enjoyed every ounce of break and hate the thought of it all changing soon.  I loved having my little guys home, but know that all good things must come to an end!  Anyway, we are finalizing school shopping tonight, so the reality of it, is here!!!  I'm excited for the change though!  Last week, we went to the Back to School Fair and got lots of nice supplies for Ethan.  He was a bit nervous, but having his cousins there to help him, calmed his nerves. I don't think he's ready to start back, but I'm sure once we get in the groove, he'll be fine. My mom surprised us she bought all of Ethan's school supplies and his Avengers back pack he wanted. I love my mom so much and that had helped us immensely.  She always seems to know how to help!!!  So, the supplies we got at the school, I have put away to be used as backups for Ethan throughout the year.

waiting outside for the Back to School Fair to start
Another thing we got to do last week....was celebrate the 4th annual "Cousins Camp"!  Brenton's parents like to have this each year and the kids love it. It's just a day for the cousins to get together, run a muck, and have fun together.  This year, we went to Tuscora Park and the kids played, rode rides, swam, ate snacks, and just enjoyed the day together.  Ethan was a bit bummed to find out that he is no longer able to ride the kiddie rides....he's too tall!  So, that was an adjustment, b/c he loves the cars and watching his little cousin ride w/o him, wasn't something he wanted to happen.  =)  Overall though, it was a great day with great weather!!

2013 Cousins Camp Fun
Other than that, not too much else has been going on around here.....We did finally get our porches stained/painted, so that I think concludes the "major" projects going on around our house.  Its been 2 months and I think we've accomplished the "to-do" list pretty good this year.  I have really enjoyed, well we all have, enjoyed our little fenced in backyard.   That space has added so much fun for the boys and for me, relaxation!  It's so nice to open the door and let them out there knowing they can't go anywhere, but there!  Colin, loves it!  That boy, is my outdoor kid!!  He loves to be outside soaking up nature.....He's enjoyed eating mud pies, running barefoot, and jumping! One thing Brenton and I decided this past weekend....the boys need a clubhouse!  So, we plan on building that and get a few swings out there, yet!  However, until then, it's so fun to watch them. =)

this is where he turns into a muddy mess =)
last year for this....he'll get a big boy trampoline next year
having fun....worth every penny!!!
he loves to be, we enjoyed breakfast together!

back of house complete!!!

finally got the porches done!!!  Now, to landscape!!!

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