Thursday, April 30, 2015

Another Year Older

It's been a crazy few weeks for me & to be quite honest, one heck of an emotional roller coaster.  In the grande scheme of things & because I've had time to think through everything, I know it's going to be ok.  Is it what I have been preparing for, no!  Is it something I have to adapt to, yes!  The best part, I'm trusting people that I know I can trust and for the 1st time....that feels great!  Anyway, in the midst of all of that going on, I had a little guy who was going to be turning 6 years old and through all of these emotions, I had to stop and smell the roses (so to speak)!  All of what is happening right now, is for him and his growth, but what I had to remember during it all is to celebrate where we are right now at this given moment in our lives and that meant, giving him an awesome 6th birthday celebration.

We had decided earlier in April to go ahead and have a celebration (of some sort) for Colin.  The only reason we were hesitant, is because he is not a traditional, all about the party, type of kid.  He doesn't do cake & candles, he hates opening presents, and he dislikes the birthday song.  So, what do you do?  Well, you adapt & that's exactly what we did.  We knew we had to keep things low-key for Colin and decided on an Open House...people coming and going, w/o all the traditional goings on worked! It worked really well, to be quite honest.  Colin had the best time on Tuesday and from the moment he woke up, I knew he was going to have a terrific day.  Seeing his eyes light up w/ the balloons at his bedroom door and hearing "Yippee" as he jumped out of bed, started the morning off right.  He had a great day at school celebrating with his friends and then when he got home, he loved seeing all the decorations and I even caught him singing to himself (the birthday song, lol)!  God, I love my boy. ;)

This kid has changed my life and throughout the day, as I was decorating our house, I couldn't help but remember where we've been and where we are today.  I cried as I put out pictures! These 6 years have truly challenged every fiber of my being, totally changed me, has given me strength I didn't know I had, but also given me the opportunity to know deep down what a mother's love can accomplish!  Yes, do we have to adjust life, sure!  Yes, our plans have to be different, but this is our life & it's our normal....not one thing would we change, either.  Colin, is our saving grace!  A blessing that I thank God for everyday! I have no idea where I'd be right now, if it wasn't for him?!?  I do know that my life would be more about material possessions and status.  The title on my business card would have a bigger impact on my life, because in my 20s that's what I wanted "things & status"!  Now, none of that matters!  I work, but my career is my family! The things that matter most to me are my guys and the memories that we make together.  Every moment is something I treasure and I never take it for granted.  I love my life!  I mean how could I not.....his smile brightens my day and to finally have him look at me and say "Love you" is absolutely priceless!  That right there, is worth every exhausting effort I put into this journey we are on.  His sweet little voice, is music to my ears! I'm so proud of him!!!  Colin, I love you so much buddy and one day when you read this, please know that because of you, my life is so much richer! You've given mommy an even bigger purpose for my life & for that, I'm grateful! I love you to heaven and back, buddy!!! Looking forward to seeing where this year takes you!

PS: He lost another tooth!  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it either....I saw it when I was brushing his teeth, but he swallowed it!  However, the Tooth Fairy still visited him...thanks to our magic pillow. ;) This boy of mine is growing up way to quick.

#2 gone
even the Tooth Fairy adapts 
cars & suckers is what makes this boy happy
Mommy's exercise band works wonders
Colin's fav turned into a birthday treat to share at school
Daddy is way more trusting =) 
Birthday Eve fun 
Yippee he kept saying....he was ready for his birthday 
getting the house ready & his 6 month old collage made me cry
the house all "BUCK"ified for his celebration
His gift from us 
Birthday Celebration fun...he had the best day, loved watching him & yes, those 2 critters in the cage were gifts (gerbils)
he was exhausted, fell asleep w/ his new light

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