Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter 2015

You know, the older my boys get I find that the holidays are that much more fun.  Not that they weren't when they were smaller, but the age group we are in right now, is just so darn fun.  Ethan is teetering though....I can see it in his eyes, but I refuse to let the cat out of the bag.  I'm not going to ruin it for the boys....they will know 100% when the time is right, but until then I refuse to be the one to tell them. I see no harm in letting them believe!  My mom never told me, but eventually I figured it all out and guess what, I wasn't mad at my mom or anything....instead, I respected the fact that she allowed me to figure it all out on my own.  Anyway, to each their own I guess! LOL!  For the past few years, we have made darn sure though that our boys (Colin as much as he can grasp) know the "real" reason for the holiday, whichever we are celebrating at the time and this past weekend, it was Easter.  We celebrated to the fullest, too.  We spent Good Friday doing crafts and learning about the significance of that day and then of course same for Easter.  We had a wonderful weekend & enjoyed every ounce of Easter that there was.  The Easter Bunny was very gracious to the boys and they loved their baskets that he left.  We also woke up to a house full of eggs on Saturday and we think one of EB's helpers was making last minute stops...just to make sure the boys knew that EB was almost to Gnaden....LOL!  Like I said, we enjoy having fun with our kids and making the most out of every event.  My mom told me one time that there is a small window of time that you have for Santa, Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy,, I've made sure to make the most of these moments we are living.  I know it'll be over soon, but until then we will continue to teach our boys that Jesus is the "real" reason, but believing in Easter Bunny is just fine, too.  Hope you all had a great Easter!!!

EB left a letter in a green egg a few weeks prior...let the fun begin
Look at those eggs....Egg Hunt at school = Success!
Good Friday craft....made our very own tomb
Egg fun
woke up to a house full of eggs
Colin wasn't too interested, so Ethan found them all
Shroyer Family fun
proof that EB was here...he made our Magic Jelly Beans grow
He is Risen
my bunnies =) 
Easter Morning
Easter at G&G Bardall's
what a weekend, but these 2 loved every minute

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