Thursday, December 6, 2012

Coco Key Excitement

After Thanksgiving, Friday, we headed down to Coco Key for some water-park fun.....We love that water-park and go at least once a year, but it seems its been more than that lately....Oh well, we love it and will be going back soon.... Here are a few pics to prove we LOVE that place... =)

Parrots Perch @ Coco Key
view of front of fun area
Colin had a ball
so didn't Ethan...LOL
Shroyer Charm at it's best 
Water Boy
Lazy River fun
Ethan loved this same tub at, Colin's turn for fun in the
BIG tub!!!
love these guys, what a fun time we had!!!

 Also, while we were at the water-park.....Look who found us, BRUTUS!!  What a fun morning it was with him there...The boys were into it, Colin even, he loved the snow that he left behind.  Ethan was convinced he made it back to the North Pole, because he said he wanted it to snow and when he was looking for Brutus he looked outside and it was SNOWING!!!  Perfect timing I guess, but Brutus sure makes the Christmas season magical and Brenton & I absolutely love it!!!!

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