Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun

Its been a little while, since I have had time to sit and actually blog....I've missed it, to be honest.....Anyway, we had a great Thanksgiving holiday.  We didn't go to Florida this year, so we had a lot of time to enjoy it with my side of the family, boy did I miss it more than I thought.  The day was so fun and we enjoyed making crafts, talking, listening to the kids laugh, and of course eating a ton of food.  Man, my dad's dressing is the best and we were stuffed by the time we headed home.

Family craft fun

nothing like a Turkey leg 

result of our craft fun....I love keepsakes
30 second dance party....Turkey Day style
Another fun thing we did over the Thanksgiving weekend was....the chop choo! I think that is a bigger tradition than the tree decorating; however, it's so fun to listen to the giggles and watch my boys (all 3) enjoy it so much.  I love this time of year and our traditions.....

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