Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Polar Express 2012

We have been having a lot of fun getting prepared for the big day to arrive at our house.....We absolutely LOVE Christmas time and as the boys get older, man does it get even better!  Last weekend we took the boys to ride the Polar Express and visit the North Pole....Wow, what a fun time!  I was a bit nervous at first, because Colin, wasn't having it!  I mean, he was in complete meltdown mode and right as Brenton went to get up to get off the train, we started moving and we both were like OH CRAP.....Anyway, for a good 20-30 mins, I have no clue how long really, he was a mess.  We tried everything, but I finally asked if I could move to the front of the cabin where no one was, so we could relax.  I wanted to do it obviously for Colin's sake, but also for the other families around us....they paid good money to bring their children and I didn't want to ruin it for them.  Anyway, that was the best decision, because he started to calm down.  I sang Amazing Grace, bounced him, made him touch the seat, window, etc and finally he started to realize he was going to be just fine and actually the train, was fun!  I was so glad and it was a perfect time, too!  He started dancing and singing in the aisle w/ the other children, got his bell, and just was having a grand ol'time!  Ethan, oh man, he was in his glory the entire time and loved every minute of it....

Brutus left a surprise for the boys on Sunday....
Polar Express
He's got his ticket!!!
this is when I wasn't sure if we'd make it
Let the fun begin
dancing and singing
trying to calm a scared little boy ;(
Ticket's Please....
Hi Mama, I'm ok now  =)
The Big Man giving the "1st Gift of Christmas"
"I hear it Mommy,  I believe" he said
Daddy giving Colin his bell, too
had a fun trip to the North Pole

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