Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Catcher" in the Making!

I can not believe I have not posted about baseball, until now.  So, this post is going to be all about it!  LOL!!  Anyway, I don't know exactly when we got the sign-up sheet for baseball, but I think around February maybe,  and in all honesty I was so hoping Ethan wouldn't want to play.  I know that sounds terrible, but down here baseball is the sport everyone tends to go crazy over and I was just not wanting to be part of that crowd.  However, I couldn't not ask him if he wanted to do it, since ultimately it is his decision and when he said yes, I took a huge (internal) sigh!  Ethan, isn't the fastest kid or the littlest kid, so I was concerned he wasn't going to be able to handle the pressure (so to speak) when it came to the "game"!  I wasn't sure how he was going to react to the running or even striking out, but I put all my thoughts aside and looked at him w/ a huge smile to support his decision.  All of my "negative" thoughts and attitude went away about 2 weeks into it, when I saw how much he truly enjoyed playing.  He loved making friends, learning the game, but most importantly he loved having his "Daddy" as his coach.  You see, Brenton is good at pushing our boys...definitely better than me!  He pushes them to give a little bit more, to not give up, and to teach them what they need to know.  So, to my surprise, I was glad to see that throughout the season Ethan was getting it and all the thoughts that I had in the beginning were put back in my face, when he found his "spot" on the field.  Yes, that's Ethan found that being the "catcher" was the place he would call home on the baseball diamond and let me just tell you, he did a wonderful job.  There's still a lot to learn, but he did great with it being his 1st  year doing it.  Overall, he had a great 1st season with IV baseball.  He learned valuable lessons and by all means, showed his #1 fan, that he has what it takes to "play ball"!  So proud of #9... =)

Gnaden Red - Coach Pitch
catcher in the making??
I'm a stud, LOL
celebratory ice cream w/ his team
Batter up
Ethan and his pal Micah

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