Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lake Shenanigans!

Growing up my husband and his family camped at Atwood Lake, had a boat, and pretty much spent their summer's at the lake.  I, myself, have very vivid memories from Atwood Lake when I would go out and camp with Brenton's family during the summer months and I absolutely loved it.  That very lake is where Brenton proposed to me on his parents boat, as a matter of fact. LOL! I loved that place, everything about it, and it will forever have a special place in my heart.  Several years ago now, Paul and Kay got away from the camping part, but continue to have a boat on another lake, outside of Millersburg, called Lake Buckhorn.  This was the very lake that Brenton remembers as a small boy, even before Atwood, so it is neat to take our boys out there now to make memories of our own.  We don't get out much, but when we do, our boys have the time of their lives and Sunday was no exception.  From the moment we pulled into the gate, which is at the top of the hill, Colin started squealing in excitement.  He was so loud, Paul and Kay heard him at their boat that was docked in the water.  That boy of mine loves water and instantly turns into a fish!  For us, the beach area, is where we spend most of our time when we are there.  The boat rides are fun, but my boys really enjoy running in and out of the, when we go, we plant ourselves at the beach and spend the afternoon.  Sunday, the weather was perfect for a day at the lake and I enjoyed a little R&R sitting in my beach chair, drinking a fruity drink, while watching my boys play.  It is so fun to hear them splash around!  Before the day ended, we enjoyed a leisurely ride around the lake and both my boys enjoyed that.  It's nice to have this option in our back pocket during the summer months, b/c my boys sure do love the lake.

nothing better on a hot day
Lake Shenanigans

Daddy watching over his boy
Papa showing Ethan how it's done
Grandma and her boy enjoying their lollipops
this boy....
ruled the boat
me and my love

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