Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Fun!!!

This weekend was such a great one!  It was our first "full" weekend after our vacation, so staying home and enjoying being home was nice.  It was Brenton's weekend back at the CC and that went well, too.  Yes, I said that...Brenton decided to go back to the golf course, after all.  I really enjoyed having him not working on the weekends, but after he was asked to go back and him pondering it for a few weeks, I knew he wanted to.  While on vacation, he got another text, so I knew it was going to happen.  I'm not upset about it, by no means, because I know my husband is a busy body and he he enjoys working out there.  So, I put on the "supportive" wife hat and off he went.  After a "welcome back" party for him and few gifts, it was nice to see the texts from him that it "felt good to be back" and with that, he's back to working 7 days a week!  In all honesty, I wish I had that work ethic!!!  Anyway, there are some perks to him doing this and that is golf privileges.  So, him and Ethan enjoyed the course yesterday and that put a smile on my face.

Love these 2

Another thing that we did this weekend was enjoyed 1-on-1 time with our boys!  Ethan and I had a "Date Night" while Daddy and Colin had "Buddy Time" enjoying things Colin likes to do, so they went bike riding, ate down at Tents of Grace, and visited family.  Brenton and I are trying really hard to make sure to give the boys this time and do whatever they want with just 1 one of us.  It's something we all are enjoying and it's been a great addition to our schedule.  Anyway, Ethan picked me & the movie Transformers 4 for our date, so after work on Friday I picked him up and off we went to the theater.  Of course, he had to dress the part, so I had a date with my very own Optimus Prime. LOL!  He's well known at the theater now and everyone always smiles when they see him coming.  I love hearing the comments and Ethan is in heaven, so it always is a fun time.  Here are a few pics of the boy's time with each of us this weekend....

Date Night
he was so excited!!
and it begins
he is serious about his movies
enjoyed a great flick w/ this kid
heading out w/ Daddy
Tents of Grace...he loves that place....
and their "Frenchie Fries"

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