Monday, May 20, 2019

Night of the Arts

Ethan is not an artsy type of kid! He tries very hard, but it's just not a natural gift. So, when he stated that he wanted to show us his artwork being displayed at the school last Thursday, I knew I had to make it work. Unfortunately, he had Shooting Sports, at the same time, but he was wanting to go so badly! Thank goodness Brenton is so involved in our boys lives, because it meant more running for him and he was just fine with it! After being at Shooting Sports for an hour, he took Ethan and headed over to IVMS for the "Night of the Arts" event going on there. I guess they had the band and choir outside singing and playing, while the artwork was displayed inside the school.  It was a perfect evening for the event. I couldn't be there, but I received the pictures Brenton sent and I was pleasantly surprised at how well Ethan did.  I'm so glad we were able to make it work, because it really made Ethan's evening!

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